You’re Invited to a Panel Discussion with two Breakthrough Swedish Artists Anna U Davis and Carolina Falkholt


You’re Invited to a Panel Discussion with two Breakthrough Swedish Artists Anna U Davis and Carolina Falkholt

December 5, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm in House of Sweden. Doors open 6:30 pm. Event starts 7:00 pm.
The panel discussion will be followed by a reception.

In collaboration with International Arts & Artists, the Embassy of Sweden proudly invites you to a panel discussion in honor of two of Sweden’s finest contemporary artists: Anna U Davis, whose exhibition “Witnesses” is on display in House of Sweden, and Carolina Falkholt, currently in residence in New York City. Davis and Falkholt join moderator Phil Hutinet in a discussion examining their work within the context of the contemporary art landscape in the United States and abroad.

Anna U. Davis is a mixed media artist. Davis will discuss her current exhibition, “Witnesses” which is an investigation of the struggles and challenges faced by women, as well as the qualities that make them equal and empowered.
Carolina Falkholt a.k.a. “Blue”, is a mural and graffiti artist whose practice combines painting, drawing, performance, text, music, and video. In her work, she challenges conventional notions of gender and the female form.

Hosted by the Embassy of Sweden and moderated by Phil Hutinet, founding publisher of East City Art.

Date: December 5
Time: Doors open 6:30, Panel Discussion stars 7:00 pm
Location: House of Sweden

Click here to attend:

Location: House of Sweden, 2900 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20007.
A photo ID and security check will be required for entrance.
Photo: Anna U Davis (top), Carolina Falkholt (bottom).